Deep sigh. It looks like Biden is going to win, and then Trump is going to fight the results in the courts (and hopefully lose that battle), and finally leave office. He’ll feel like the court system and the “deep” state backstabbed him. Of course, that’s what I hope will happen... I dread that he might find some loophole, take it to the SC, and they’ll side with him because the court has a 6-3 conservative majority.
Astha and I wanted to do a little something so with VoteForward, we sent letters to people in Arizona and Georgia to motivate them to get out and vote...

It looks like the The Senate will be Republican. If Biden is president, maybe that’s what this country needs to heal it’s great divide... a Republican Senate and Democratic president to work together. From what I’ve seen, that usually doesn’t happen though. The result in the past few presidencies have been bickering and finger-pointing. And if this ends up being the case, Biden will also have a hard time getting his judges confirmed and all that.
I think the hard part for me is holding the values of love, compassion, and understanding at the same time as holding the values of justice, solidarity, and decolonization (not sure if that last one is a value). But, in the big picture... I think this is my goal... what I wrote above basically is the definition of being a spiritual activist.

So how do I do it? I listen to others and read what others write with a goal of understanding their perspective... not a game of “gotchya”. I don’t have to respond each time. I can share that I understand where that person is coming from... if it’s genuine. I can take deep breaths and observe if strong emotions arise... that’s okay.
I can continue to write, act and work through the lens of spiritual activism. My actions will highlight the need for small-scale, decentralized “new worlds” being created. My actions will be local.
My writing hopefully will reach a larger audience (even though I’m not the best writer... I’m rather long-winded). Maybe, I can reach out to some film-makers and see if someone can create a film about the Liberated Learning Center we’ll be creating. ( ) This work will be based on the values of justice, solidarity and decolonization (I’m using this term instead of anti racism to be more clear), alongside the values of love, compassion, and understanding.
- Raj
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