I know its been a while since either of us have posted. I was inspired by a certain someone (thanks Sonz!) to keep a blog. I was going to create a new blog but then thought it would just be easier to add onto this one. In this coming month, I will be working at the
Cermak Health Center. It is the health center affiliated with the Cook County Jail. I've done 2 weeks there before and think it is a really interesting aspect of health care. I learned a lot and am truly considering working there post residency. I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes. It is also an easier month and a month that I can enjoy the randomness of life. I usually have some pretty crazy adventures and was going to use this blog to share.
Some adventures thus

far...Raj and I went to
Occupy Chicago yesterday. Had been wanting to check it out for a while. Thought it was powerful just hearing people rally for a cause. People from other cities that were part of the occupy movement were there sharing their stories/experiences. It is powerful to think that if enough of us gather together, maybe we could stop making money the center of our universe and focus on building a stronger community together. The movement really tries to make it a true democratic movement - having things build in for everyone to speak their mind, a human microphone so that everyone can hear...and lots of other things that I could go on about. All in all a cool movement to observe and if I get time, definitely want to be part of it more. Didn't have my camera but posting a picture from the website.
Nice! Love that your back. I want to hear more.