Raj and I were talking this past weekend and day dreaming about California...he threw out an idea that all we will do in California is - work, hike, garden and hang out w/ ishan baba. Then he added the caveat that we will be taking Ishan hiking and have him gardening with us, so technically it could be 3 things. So this entry will be themed around that...
As I have mentioned before, I am currently at the Core Center - an outpatient clinic that takes care of 6,000 HIV positive patients...basically the largest in the country. Also, after this month (which will end way too fast) I have 5 months left of residency. It has definitely been a journey...one that has spanned 2 states, lots of self-doubt, some scheduled and unscheduled breaks...and at the end of it all, I've learned what type of doctor I want to be. I still don't know exactly what I will be doing but I know the direction I am heading in which is a start. Which leads me back to "work." I am back at square 1 in terms of the job search but I can definitely see what type of setting I would want to work in. During this month, I have realized that I really do love taking care of the HIV patient population. It is an unfortunate epidemic and it is DEVASTATING how many young lives here and across the world are taken from this disease. Every effort at prevention and education is time well spent. That being said...there are about 34 million that are affected worldwide and about 1.2 million here in the U.S. The amazing thing is that the history of this disease has come such a long way. It was a death sentence at one point (and it still can be for those without the resources) but now it doesn't have to be. With the proper medications and follow up...people can live normal, healthy lives. I have realized I love learning all the things that are involved in taking care of an HIV patient. It is and has to be holistic in its approach because it affects every aspect of an individual's life. I love building trust with my patients (although that is needed regardless). I think it is a constant reminder at the disparities that exist in our current health care system and pushes me to bring to light all the social conditions that are so deeply connected to this disease. Addiction often goes hand in hand with this disease and it allows me continue to work on offering different options to people struggling w/ substance abuse. And in this day and age because of the medications, in a well controlled patient, people end up usually having lots more primary care issues then HIV issues. All in all, while I wish HIV didn't exist, it does and I have found something that I feel passionate about.
So as I start my job search...I am really hoping to find something that mixes primary care and HIV. I feel like I could get really engrossed in the patient care, the community and the continual learning that would need to take place (because there is so much to know!). I have seen some AMAZING doctors at the Core that really just give their all to their patients and make themselves so accessible. They have been with some people since the 90's. I want to be that and I hope I get the opportunity to try. If any of you have any contacts...please let me know - this would be for the Bay area.
You all probably already know we love to hike. My love of nature has definitely grown since I've been with Raj and I could truly spend every weekend on a new hike. Being out in nature calms us, calms the brain and California has such awesome hiking!!!! So many different trails, so many different terrains. Our plan is every Saturday is going to be join Raj/Astha on a hike. Who's with us? Adding some pics of our latest hiking adventure - in Palos Hills.Yay for Bhavna for joining!

Too tired to type more but main points - year round gardening because the weather allows it!!!! How exciting. Yummy fruits and veggies from our own backyards and the yummy meals that come with it. Our garden thus far...
As I have mentioned before, I am currently at the Core Center - an outpatient clinic that takes care of 6,000 HIV positive patients...basically the largest in the country. Also, after this month (which will end way too fast) I have 5 months left of residency. It has definitely been a journey...one that has spanned 2 states, lots of self-doubt, some scheduled and unscheduled breaks...and at the end of it all, I've learned what type of doctor I want to be. I still don't know exactly what I will be doing but I know the direction I am heading in which is a start. Which leads me back to "work." I am back at square 1 in terms of the job search but I can definitely see what type of setting I would want to work in. During this month, I have realized that I really do love taking care of the HIV patient population. It is an unfortunate epidemic and it is DEVASTATING how many young lives here and across the world are taken from this disease. Every effort at prevention and education is time well spent. That being said...there are about 34 million that are affected worldwide and about 1.2 million here in the U.S. The amazing thing is that the history of this disease has come such a long way. It was a death sentence at one point (and it still can be for those without the resources) but now it doesn't have to be. With the proper medications and follow up...people can live normal, healthy lives. I have realized I love learning all the things that are involved in taking care of an HIV patient. It is and has to be holistic in its approach because it affects every aspect of an individual's life. I love building trust with my patients (although that is needed regardless). I think it is a constant reminder at the disparities that exist in our current health care system and pushes me to bring to light all the social conditions that are so deeply connected to this disease. Addiction often goes hand in hand with this disease and it allows me continue to work on offering different options to people struggling w/ substance abuse. And in this day and age because of the medications, in a well controlled patient, people end up usually having lots more primary care issues then HIV issues. All in all, while I wish HIV didn't exist, it does and I have found something that I feel passionate about.
So as I start my job search...I am really hoping to find something that mixes primary care and HIV. I feel like I could get really engrossed in the patient care, the community and the continual learning that would need to take place (because there is so much to know!). I have seen some AMAZING doctors at the Core that really just give their all to their patients and make themselves so accessible. They have been with some people since the 90's. I want to be that and I hope I get the opportunity to try. If any of you have any contacts...please let me know - this would be for the Bay area.
You all probably already know we love to hike. My love of nature has definitely grown since I've been with Raj and I could truly spend every weekend on a new hike. Being out in nature calms us, calms the brain and California has such awesome hiking!!!! So many different trails, so many different terrains. Our plan is every Saturday is going to be join Raj/Astha on a hike. Who's with us? Adding some pics of our latest hiking adventure - in Palos Hills.Yay for Bhavna for joining!

Too tired to type more but main points - year round gardening because the weather allows it!!!! How exciting. Yummy fruits and veggies from our own backyards and the yummy meals that come with it. Our garden thus far...