Anyways.. back to Activity #7. Plain and simple... let's replenish the Earth that we are constantly damaging by planting something that grows.
Being environmentally-conscious has two aspects to it (well... it has a lot more as well, but two that I'll mention)... 1) Being more conscious about what we are consuming and HOW much we are consuming... and 2) Replenishing the Earth. Often... "being green" only means being more conscious about the products we buy, and using less. However, as human beings, we also have the ability to REPAIR... to REPLENISH the Earth to a richer state. Our relatioship with nature does not have to be a one way relationship... it can and naturally is a two-way mutually-beneficial relationship.

So, this week's activity is simple... plant something that grows. It can be flowers... it can be a vegetable plant... it can be a tree. The only rule is that you can't do it alone... at least 1 other person has to be involved in the process (getting the plant, planting it, taking care of it, etc.).
I planted flowers with my daddy :) Germaniums to be more specific. They were pre-potted. My dad used a little bit of fertilizer in some pots and organic soil. We left for vacation right after so haven't really been watering them or taking care of them. I thought about watering them today but it has just rained. Below are the pictures.

I planted flowers with my daddy :) Germaniums to be more specific. They were pre-potted. My dad used a little bit of fertilizer in some pots and organic soil. We left for vacation right after so haven't really been watering them or taking care of them. I thought about watering them today but it has just rained. Below are the pictures.
Every other week.. I've been taking my students out to the garden with the garden teacher. At the beginning... we would try to make up an activity.. but after the first couple times... we just started working in the garden. I love it. Everything in school doesn't HAVE to have pre-set objectives.... that doesn't mean that they are NOT learning... it just means that THEY'RE in control over what they're learning... and not ME... I like it better that way.

Anyways... we went to the garden... and usually.. I'm in the back... with the "woodchippers". Some of the kids shovel woodchips into the wheelbarrows, roll out the wheelbarrows to the garden, dump the woodchips, so another group of students can spread them to make the path that goes through the garden. After we were done, and most of the kids were playing for recess.... Nelzy still wanted to plant some plants. So, we got a "Gourd" plant.... and together... we planted three plants. It was great... digging the hole... squeezing the potted plant out... planting the plant... putting the soil back... adding some compost around it.. and watering it. Also, at that point... I hadn't bonded with Nelzy in a long time.... my relationship with her, in class, has always been a tumultous one. She just doesn't like the class environment, but I used to have great one-on-one time with her in the after-school program.... but since I hadn't been staying after-school that long... that was missing. So... this time spent... was awesome!