I am from (where were your parents from),
From (where did you live before),
And from (where do you live now).
I am from ___(describe your home and/or neighborhood)____
With ___(describe an item in your house),(describe another item), and ___ (describe another item)___
___(describe important family members or you can describe just one)____ .
I am from ___(describe a family tradition or just things you do with your family)___
From ___(something that represents your religion or beliefs)___
From ____(2 or 3 adjectives that describe your family)____
I am from _(one of your favorite foods at home)__, and ___(one of the most common foods you eat)
I am from __ (words or phrases that you hear often or heard often when you were younger)____
From ___(describe songs that you sing or listen to)_______
I am from ____(describe a big celebration that you’ve been a part of)_____
From ___(describe games, activities and/or sports you play or played when you were younger)____
I am from ___(describe plants, flowers, animals, or something natural that’s important

I am from ____(your wish for the world OR whatever’s MOST important to you – only 1 or 2 words)____
Where I'm From
I am from the small town of Pilibhit, UP and the big town of New Delhi, Delhi,
From a variety of locations dispersed throughout India and Illinois,
And currently from the streets of Naperthrill, IL.
I am from a house that by itself holds no special meaning for me
But the house holds the people that matter most to me.
A brother that I like to call fatty :).
I am from playing rummy and Saturday morning breakfasts
From a powerful faith in the innate goodness of people,
And from a strong work ethic and lots of love and laughter.
I am from way too many favorite foods and my default meal, maggi,
I am from "You're going to work at Jewel the rest of your life!"
From the latest Bollywood song.
I am from the Chicago Marathon,
From rollerskating in the basement and building Knex rollercoasters.
I am part of US :)
I am from HAPPINESS among people.
Where I'm From
I am from the past that has made me who I am,
To the present of constant action, reflection, and learning
And to the future with you that holds electric potential.

I am from Sanakhdaa gaam in Saurasthra,
From the Bay Area and UCLA,
And one day from the community that I work with and am immersed in.
I am from from playing Tetris with Ams till 1 am.
To endless hours of raas and garba,
And to the infamous Boodissy sleepovers and Truth-or-Dare.
I am from deciding between football or Swadhyay on Sundays.
And from family parties with blue tarps.
I am from, “Swadhyay maa jaa” to “Vaasan karo” to “Chokri sodho” to “Paisa nathi kamaavaa?”
I am from a lifetime of self-study (Swadhyay) and the desire to live more consciously.
I am from searching – traveling India, Vipassana, Jeevan Vidya.
I am from activities/responsibilitires - UCLA ISU, Raas Team, SIDH, InSPIRE, Educating.
I am a part of US =)
I am from dance, hope, nature, understanding, and harmony.